Benedetto Caliari

Benedetto Caliari (1538–1598) was an Italian painter who was born into a family of artists. Benedetto’s father Gabriele Caliari was a stonecutter. Benedetto’s brother Paolo Caliari is better known as Veronese. Veronese’s principal assistants were his younger brother Benedetto Caliari and his two sons Carlo or Carletto Caliari (1570–1596) and Gabriele Caliari (1568–1631). Benedetto Caliari, who was about ten years younger than Veronese, is reputed to have had a very large share in the architectural backgrounds that form so conspicuous a feature in Veronese’s compositions. After Veronese’s death in 1588, Benedetto, Carlo and Gabriele completed his unfinished paintings. They often signed collectively as Paolo's heirs.

The Academia Carrara (Bérgamo, Italy), the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Hermitage Museum, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) and Musée des Beaux-Arts at Caen are among the public collections holding works by Benedetto Caliari.

